CSE 6403: Computational Geometry

April 2012 Semester


Contact/Course teacher:

Dr. Masud Hasan

Associate Professor

Department of CSE, BUET

Office: CSE 117

Phone: 8614640-44, Ext. 6113

Email: mhasan2010 "at" gmail "dot" com





[O] Computational Geometry in C, by Joshep O'Rourke, 2nd edition. [Available in BUET Library and Nilkhet]

[dB] Computational Geometry: Algorithms and Applications, by de Berg, van Kreveld, Overmars, and Schwarzkopf, 3rd Edition. [Available in BUET Library and Nilkhet]



- All Remaining presentations to be held on November 03, 2012. That's the last class. No more presentations after that class.

New! Project submission deadline: 3-12-2012 (Monday) 12:00noon. Slide under my office door or put in my pigeonhole in CSE Office.

[Project writing guidelines]


Marks distribution:

[May change]

Active participation in the class: 10%

Select a study topic and give a presentation on that: 10%

Write a project on that topic: 15%

Midterm: 25%

Final exam: 40%

Bonus: depending upon the level of work in finding any new result on your research topic or an open problem mentioned in the class.


Study topics:


Web resources:

Be careful of any kind of plagiarism. That means, DO NOT USE these resources for any kind of copy or cut and paste. Use them to find research topics and related papers. But make your presentation and write your project yourself.

o    The Geometry Junkyard, maintained by David Eppstein

o    Geometry in Action, maintained by David Eppstein

o    Computational Geometry Resources

o    Computational Geometry Pages

o    Open Problem Project: The open problems in computational geometry, maintained by Joshep O'Rourke and Erik Demaine.


Active participation in the class [10%]:

You will get this if you actively participate in the class, where by an "active participation" means you come to the class in time, turn your mobile off, attentively listen, ask (logical) questions, give comments, etc. It is not necessary that you ask questions or give comments all the time; even, your body language without any verbose participation may indicate you are very much attentive in the class.


Presentation [10%]:

Follow the guidelines below in your presentation.

o    Presentation must be prepared in Beamer

o    Complete your presentation within 15 minutes

o    Clearly explain what the topic is

o    Describe the research problems in this topic

o    Application of this topic

o    Related work done so far (should be recent works)

o    Future work possible (as it comes to your mind and as it is mentioned in related papers)

o    Direction of the project that you will do on this topic

o    Selecting a good topic will also carry marks

o    Remember that this is a graduate course. So try to make your presentation attractive, informative, and friendly. Try to become less formal and communicative with the audience.

o    You may visit "How to give a good presentation" here:


Course syllabus and Schedule:

Time: Sat 10am to 1pm

Location: Room no CSE 503


Polygon Triangulation and Polygon Partitioning

Art gallery theorems: Necessity and sufficiency

Triangulation theory

Triangulation by Ear Removal

Monotone partitioning


Triangulating monotone polygons

Text: [O] 1.1, 1.2, 1.6.5-1.6.8, 2.1, 2.2. [dB] 3.3

Lecture Audio: Triangulation 1 2 3 4

Sample questions: [pdf]


Convex Hull in 2D and 3D

Graham's scan

Output sensitive algorithms: Gift wrapping or Jarvi's march

Lower bound of CH

Chan's algorithm

Convex hull in 3D: Euler's formula and its consequence, gift wrapping algorithm

Text: [O] 3.3, 3.5.1, 3.6. [dB] 1.1, 4.1, 4.2.1, [Chan's paper] Section 1, 2.

Lecture audio: Convex Hull: 1 2 3

Sample questions: [pdf]


Voronoi Diagrams and Delaunay Triangulations:

Definition and properties of Voronoi diagram and Delaunay triangulation

Incremental algorithm for construction

Relation to Nearest Neighbor graphs, MST, Largest empty circle

Medial axis and Straight skeleton

Text: [O] 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4.1, 5.4.2, 5.5.1, 5.5.2, 5.5.3, 5.5.4, 5.6, [Incremental algorithm note], Class Notes.

Lecture Audio: 1 2 3

Sample questions: [pdf]

A Voronoi Applet: [link]


Arrangements and Duality:

Arrangements of straight lines in 2D

Definition and assumption

Combinatorics of arrangements

Zone theorem

Incremental algorithm for computing the arrangements

Duality between lines and points

Application of duality: Ham-Sandwich cut, red-blue matching

Text: [O] 6.1, 6.2 (no proof for zone theorem), 6.3, 6.5, 6.7.2, 6.7.6.

Lecture Audio: 1 2 3

Sample questions: [pdf]


Orthogonal Range Searching:

1-dimensianl range searching

kd-tree for 2D

Text: [dB] 5.1, 5.2

Lecture Audio: 1

Sample questions: [pdf]


Project [15%]:

As mentioned earlier, project will be the written form of what you find on your topic. It must be written in latex, report size is expected to be within10 to 15 pages with 11 fonts and single spacing. You can collect latex installation files from me (~450 MB).


Mid Term [25%]: 22-09-2012 Saturday. Syllabus: Polygon Triangulation and Polygon Partitioning, and Convex Hull in 2D and 3D; see detail above.


Final exam [40%]: Schedule: See notice board. Syllabus: Voronoi Diagrams and Delaunay Triangulations, Arrangements and Duality, Orthogonal Range Searching; see detail above.



If you can find any new result on your/others topic or on any open problem mentioned in the class you will get some bonus marks on top of your total marks.


Open Problems:

