CSE 461: Algorithm Engineering

August 2011 Semester

Starting from 16-th August 2011

Contact/Course teacher:

Dr. Masud Hasan

Associate Professor

Department of CSE, BUET

Office: West Polashi 117

Phone: PABX: 8614640-44, 9665650-80, Ext. 6113

Email: mhasan2010 "at" gmail "dot" com




Nur-bahar Yeasha (special thanks to her): For query on online repository of audios and other documents.



1.      [CLRS] Introduction to Algorithms, by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, Stein, 3rd Edition, 2009

2.      [MR] Randomized Algorithms, by Rajeev Motwani and Prabhakar Raghavan

3.      [GT] Algorithm Design: Foundations, Analysis, and Internet Examples, Michael Goodrich and Robarto Tamassia

4.      [GJ] Computers and Intractability: A Guide to Theory of NP-Completeness, Michael Garey and David Johnson

5.      [NC] Quantum Computation and Quantum Information, Michael Nielson and Isaac Chuang, Indian Edition 2002

6.      [JP] An Introduction to Bioinformatics Algorithms, by Neil C. Jones and Pavel A. Pevzner, MIT Press, 1st Edition, 2004

7.      [DPV] Algorithms, by Dasgupta, Papadimitriou, and Vazirani [Online copy]

8.      Other materials/references will be supplied as required



Time: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday 10-11

Location: Room 205, CSE Department, West Polashi


Course syllabus (will gradually grow and be updated):



Review of NP-Completeness

The class P, NP, NPC; Encoding; Polynomial Verification, Polynomial Reduction; Proving NP-Completeness

Text: [CLRS] Chapter 34.1, 34.2, 34.3 (up to page 1072), 34.5.1. 34.5.2

Lecture Audio: [np-1] [np-2]

Sample Questions: [np]


Randomized Algorithms

Review of Randomized Quick Sort

Randomized Min-Cut

Las Vegas and Monte Carlo Algorithms

Randomized Complexity Classes

Text: [CLRS] Chapter 7 (full)

[MR] Chapter 1.preamble, 1.1, 1.2, 1.5

Lecture Audio: [rand-1] [rand-2] [rand-3]

Sample Questions: [Rand QS + LB for Sorting] [rand-algo]


Randomized Data Structures: Skip List

Text: [GT] Chapter 3.5

Lecture Audio: [skip]

Sample Questions: [skip]


Class Test 1 [Marks] [Answer sheet with explanation]


Approximation Algorithms

Review the Concept of Lower Bound

Lower Bound for Sorting

Constant-factor Approximation Algorithms



LP Based Approximation Algorithms

Randomized Approximation Algorithms

Text: [CLRS] Chapter 8.1, 35.preample, 35.1, 35.4, 35.5

[GJ] Page 139 [pdf]

Lecture Audio: [Lower Bound and Approx-1] [Approx-2] [Approx-3] [Approx-4] [LP-based Approx]

Sample Questions [Rand QS + LB for Sorting], [Approx]


Class Test 2 [Marks]


Amortized Analysis

Different Methods: Aggregate analysis, Accounting Method, Potential Method

Examples: PUSH, POP, MULTIPOP; Binary Counter, Dynamic Tables

Text: [CLRS] Chapter 17 (full)

Lecture Audio: [Amortized-1] [Amortized-2]

Sample Questions [Amortized]


Online Algorithms

Competitive Analysis

Online Paging Problem

Randomized Online Algorithms

Adversary Models

Marker Algorithm

Text: [MR] Chapter 13.Preamble, 13.1, 13.2, 13.3 (no proof for Theorem 13.2 and Theorem 13.3)

Lecture Audio: [Online-1] [Online-2]

Sample Questions: [Online]


Class Test 3 [Marks] [Sample answer 1] [Sample answer 2]


Bioinformatics Algorithms


Genome Sorting

Text: [JP] Ch 3, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4

Lecture Audio: [bio-algo-1] [bio-algo-2]

Slides: [bio-algo-1] [bio-algo-2]

Sample Questions []


Linear Programming

Follow what Kaykobad Sir taught in the class

Standard and Slack Forms

Problem Formulation

Simplex Method

How to formulate computational problems in to linear programming



Lecture Audio:

Sample Questions


Quantum Computing

Quantum Bits (Qbits)

Quantum Gates and Circuits

Quantum Algorithms

Quantum Parallelism

Text: [NC] 1.1-1.4.3

[DPV] 10.1, 10.2, 10.5.1, 10.5.2

Lecture Audio: [Quantum-1] [Quantum-2] [Quantum-3]

Sample Questions [Quantum]


Class Test 4 [Marks] [Sample answer 1] [Sample answer 2]


Practical Computing and Heuristics

Back tracking

Branch and Bound

Text: [DPV] Pages 283-189 [pdf]

Lecture Audio: [BackTracking + Branch and Bound]

Sample Questions [pdf]


Parallel/Distributed/Multithreaded Algorithms


The basics of dynamic multithreading

Recursive Fibonacci Number computation

Multithreaded matrix multiplication

Text: [CLRS] Chapter 27.1 (up to page 781, excluding “scheduling”)

Lecture Audio: [Multi-thread]

Sample questions


Parameterized Algorithms

Fixed Parameter Tractability

Parameterized Algorithm (Buss’ Algorithm) for Vertex Cover

Text: [pdf] page 163, 164 (column 1)

Lecture Audio: [Parameterized Algo]

Sample Questions


Algorithms for Massive Datasets

External Memory Algorithms

Cache-Oblivious Algorithms


Lecture Audio:

Sample Questions



Class Tests and Announcements:

Class Test Marks

- CT 1: Wednesday, 21-9-2011, 8:00am, in class, Syllabus: Lectures up to 19-9-2011 (inclusive); see above for detail.
- CT 2: Monday, 10-10-2011, 10:00am, in class, Syllabus: Approximation Algorithms; see above for detail.

- CT 3: Tuesday, 18-10-2011, 10:00am in class, Syllabus: Amortized analysis and Online algorithms; see above for detail.

- CT 4: Monday, 19-12-2011, 10:00am in class, Syllabus: Quantum Computing; see above for detail.