CSE 6408: Advanced Algorithms

April 2011 Semester

Starting from 16-th April 2011

Quick Links:     Contact/Course teacher:     Books     Schedule and Course syllabus     Announcements     Marks Distribution     Study Topics     Web resource     Presentation     Project     Final Exam     Bonus/Open Problems     Exercise


Contact/Course teacher:

Dr. Masud Hasan

Associate Professor

Department of CSE, BUET

Office: West Polashi 117

Phone: PABX: 8614640-44, 9665650-80, Ext. 6113

Email: mhasan2010 "at" gmail "dot" com



1.      [CLRS] Introduction to Algorithms, by Coreman, Leiserson, Rivest, Stein, 3rd Edition, 2009

2.      [MR] Randomized Algorithms, by Rajeev Motwani and Prabhakar Raghavan

3.      [GT] Algorithm Design: Foundations, Analysis, and Internet Examples, Michael Goodrich and Robarto Tamassia

4.      [GJ] Computers and Intractability: A Guide to Theory of NP-Completeness, Michael Garey and David Johnson

5.      [NC] Quantum Computation and Quantum Information, Michael Nielson and Isaac Chuang, Indian Edition 2002

6.      Other materials/references will be supplied as required


Schedule and Course syllabus:

Time: Saturday 10-1

Location: CSE Department, West Polashi


We will try to cover the following topics as per the following tentative sequence:


Date, Class



Presentation schedule

Lecture 1, 16/04/2011

- Course policies

- Randomized Algorithms: Las Vegas and Monte Carlo Algorithms

- Randomized Data Structures: Skip Lists

[MR]: 1.Preamble, 1.1, 1.2, 8.3

[GT]: 3.5


Lecture 2, 23/04/2011


Lecture 3, 30/04/2011

- Amortized Analysis: Different methods

- NP-Completeness review

[CLRS]: 17 (full)

[CLRS]: 34.5.1, 34.5.2,34.5.4


Lecture 4, 07/05/2011


Lecture 5, 14/05/2011

- Approximation Algorithms: Approximation Schemes, Hardness of Approximation

[CLRS]: 35.1,35.2, 35.5,



Lecture 6, 21/05/2011

- Online Algorithms: Competitive Analysis, Online Paging Problem, Randomized online algorithms, Adversary models, Marker algorithm

[MR]: 13.Preamble, 13.1, 13.2, 13.3 (only Marker Algorithm)

Lecture 7, 28/05/2011

Lecture 8, 04/06/2011

- Multithreaded Algorithms

[CLRS]  27.Preamble, 27.1 (except scheduling), 27.2, 27

Lecture 9, 11/06/2011

- Van Emde Boas tree

[CLRS]: 20.Preamble, 20.1, 20.2

Lecture 10, 18/06/2011

- Algorithms for Massive Data Sets

- External Memory Algorithms

- Cache-Oblivious Algorithms

[Demaine paper]: 1, 2, 3.1, 3.2.1, 3.3.1, 4.1

[Arge paper]: 38.1, 38.2.1 (except range query)

Lecture 11, 25/06/2011

- Quantum Algorithms

[NC] 1.2, 1.3, 1.4

Lecture 12, 02/07/2011

- Quantum Algorithms

- Linear and Non-linear Methods


[Jisan, Ashik], [Khalid, Tandra], [Shampa], [Rakib, Jayanto], [Mahbub, Fahim]

Lecture 13, 09/07/2011

- Fixed Parameter Tractability: Parameterized Complexity, Techniques of designing Fixed Parameter Algorithms, Examples


[Kawsar, Aftabudduza], [Sylvia, Novia], [Sharif, Rajiur] [Samiul, Mahbub] [Rushafi + Samir], [Rezwan], [Mustafiz+Hasib]

Lecture 14, 16/07/2008

- Lower Bounds: Decision Trees, Information Theoretic Lower Bounds, Adversary Arguments


[Osman, Marzia], [Mahmud, Raqibul] [Mostafiz, Hasib], [Shaila, Tanvir] [Manazir, Tusar] [Sammi], [Sumiaya], [Ashraf, Nazmun], [Samiul, Jahed], [Nashid, Tanvir]

1/8/2011, 2-5pm

Final Exam








Marks distribution:

Active participation in the class: 10%

Select a study topic and give a presentation on that: 15%

Write a project on that topic: 15%

Final exam: 60%

Bonus: depending upon the level of work in finding any new result on your research topic or an open problem mentioned in the class.


Study topics:


o   You have to spend some time for selecting your topic first. I will suggest a list of topics. The list will grow in the coming weeks.  You may also suggest a topic, but that must be verified by me. For most of the topics suggested below I have tried to make them limited and specific.

o   To choose a topic, first select one according to your interest. Then read (not in detail) the accompanied papers that I have suggested (or more if necessary). If you does not like it, go by another topic. Once you have finally selected your topic, read the suggested papers carefully. If necessary, explore other related papers mentioned in the the references of the initial papers and/or the related papers where the initial papers have been referred. Google Scholar, Citeseer or IEEE Explorer will help you a lot to get most of the papers online and to find the earlier and following papers. Throughout your adventure on the papers you should identify the important papers and the results therein.

o   In each topic I have pointed out what is to be done under this topic, but that is not enough. After you have finally selected your topic, come to me, I will tell you what to cover in your presentation and project. Try to do what I suggest. You are always welcome with any new/additional/better idea other than that I have suggested, with more recent papers that I missed, etc. And any such good idea/findings will add marks to your presentation and project. It would be superb if you can find any new result on your topic and you will get some bonus mark for that.

o   It may happen that you can not select any topic yourself. Do not worry for that, feel free to inform me, I will help you selecting a topic.

o   Throughout the course you will study this topic and the accompanied papers in detail and you will give a presentation and write a project on it.


Possible topics: [In primary stage, more topics and more details to come...] [You need GhostView to view ps files]

1.      [Khalid, Tandra]: Adaptive approximation algorithms.

2.      [Jisan and Ashik]: Explore the concept of van Emde Boas tree in genome sorting and related problems.

3.      [Mahbub, Fahim] Study of Approximation algorithms

4.      [Osman, Marzia] Quantum Fedkin gate.

5.      [Salam, Raqibul] Quantum Toffoli gate.

6.      [Sylvia, Novia] Survey of external memory algorithms

7.      [Rakib, Jayanto] Survey of cache oblivious computational geometry algorithms

8.      [Shampa]: Cache-oblivious RMQ and RMSQ and related problems.

9.      [Kawsar, Aftabudduza]: Time space trade off, Distributed algorithms

10.  [Sharif, Rajiur]: Randomized data structures

11.  [Samiul, Mahbub]: Algorithms for massive data

12.  [Rushafi, Samir]: Cache oblivious convex hull

13.  [Mostafiz, Hasib]: Quantum search.

14.  [Shaila, Tanvir]: Quantum realization

15.  [Manazir, Tusar]: Quantum Turing machine

16.  [Rezwan]: Algorithms for massive string data

17.  [Sammi] Algorithms for median finding

18.  [Nashid, Tanvir]: 

19.  [Ashraf, Nazmun]: Deutch-Josha Algorithm for Quantum Parallelism

20.  [Samiul, Jahed]: Paging for multicore processor


Presentation [15%]:

Follow the guideline below in your presentation.

o    Complete your presentation within 10-15 minutes

o    Give a summary first

o    Clearly explain the topic and its key features that you are covering (should include what I have suggested)

o    Application of this topic

o    Related work done so far (should be recent works)

o    Future work possible (as it comes to your mind and as it is mentioned in related papers)

o    Remember that this is a graduate course. So try to make your presentation attractive, informative, and friendly. Try to become less formal and communicative with the audience.

o    You may visit "How to give a good presentation" here:


Project [15%]:

Project will be the written form of what you find on your topic and during your presentation. It must be written in LaTeX. Report size is expected to be within10 to 15 pages with 11 size fonts and single spacing. You can collect latex installation files for Windows from me (~450 MB).


Points you should cover in your project:

- Title of your project, Student IDs and Names

- Introduction to the problem/topic

- Results you found

- Briefly explain most important results

- Possible future works

- Conclusion

- References


Project submission deadline: 13/8/2011, Saturday, 12:00 noon (Extended from Friday); Hard copy only; Slide under my office door or put in my box. Late submissions are not acceptable.


Web resources:


Active participation in the class [10%]:

You will get this mark when you actively participate in the class, where by an "active participation" means you come to the class in time, turn your mobile off, attentively listen, ask (logical) questions, give comments, etc. It is not necessary that you ask questions or give comments all the time; even, your body language without any verbose participation may indicate you are attentive in the class. In your final exam some marks may be reserved for questions that will judge whether you actively participated in the class or not.


Final exam [60%]:

Syllabus: See the schedule and course syllabus table.


Bonus/Open Problems:

If you can find any new result on your/others topic or solve any problem mentioned in the class you will get some bonus marks on top of your total marks.


